Jirav Education

Training Sessions

Your success is our #1 priority. Jirav offers training courses that cover key use cases, features, and best practices tips.


Training - Learn with Jirav

Our training courses help you unlock the power of driver-based financial modeling with Jirav's best practices. We suggest you take these courses in order as each course builds upon the previous and continue coming back to ask questions as you learn.

Course #1
Introduction to Jirav

This is the starting point for discovering how to use your Jirav account and learning about our all-in-one FP&A solution. You learn about Jirav's setup, examine accounting and workforce integrations, account structure, departments, and creating a plan.

Course #2
Reporting and Dashboarding

Jirav is an all-in-one FP&A solution allowing you to plan smarter, faster, and together. Let’s analyze your data for descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive purposes.  You'll work with dashboards and reports at high level allowing you to collaborate with your team in Jirav.
dashboard in laptop in circle 012021

Course #3
Basic Forecasting

Now that you've created a plan in the Introduction course, you review the elements of a plan for forecasting in Jirav. You'll learn how drivers, assumptions, and sub-items form the foundation of basic planning for forecasting operational expenses.

Course #4
Advanced Forecasting

After you've been exposed to operational expense planning in Jirav's basic forecasting training, you're ready for more advanced forecasting. We'll alternate between many advanced Jirav forecasting features for the income statement, balance sheet, and custom tables in this advanced forecasting training.