Dawn’s Home Run: how she started delivering higher-value advisory services to her clients
Tuesday,May 3, 2022
Now available on-demand
- What FP&A is, and why it’s valuable for firms and their clients
- How to develop a strategy for implementing advisory services
- How to leverage technology to deliver high-value services and insights
- Real-life examples of client success through advisory
Dawn Brolin
Dawn W. Brolin, CPA, CFE is the founder of Team Brolin and author of The Designated Motivator, a practical guide for individuals who have the passion for engaging, encouraging and empowering others to reach their full potential in business and their personal lives. Her latest book is The Designated Motivator for Accounting Professionals: The Proven Path to Increase Profitability and Productivity in Your Practice. Dawn is the CEO of Connecticut-based CPA firm, Powerful Accounting Inc.,and the owner of Fight Against Fraud, a training organization dedicated to helping accounting professionals and small businesses optimize their operations and reduce their fraud risks.

Mike Triantos